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Scoliosis Scoliosis means a departure from the normal curvature of the spine, specifically when there is a heightened side-curvature of the spine, usually with present and subsequent rotation of the vertebrae, which in many progresses if untreated therapy. Scoliosis can be one-sided C scoliosis or may be bilateral compensatory with primary and secondary curve. These are the so-called scoliosis S shape.

Scoliosis is most common in puberty and adolescence, mostly in girls, although the phenomenon occurs with the boys. It is measured in degrees according to Cobb. What is the number of degrees higher, the spine is more "distorted". In most cases of idiopathic scoliosis, that no one knows the exact cause, although in the literature mentioned hereditary, hormonal or other influences. In all forms of scoliosis are at risk of progression to deterioration.The scoliosis is often related to the growth period when its distortion is advanced. The usual division is into functional (nonstructural) and structural scoliosis.                   

Functional scoliosis together called scoliosis posture because it is associated with irregular (scoliotic) holding. In this group, there are no anatomical disorders of the spine. Scoliotic posture can be determined by a variety of causes such as the shortening of one lower extremity or paravertebral muscle contracture as is the case with pain syndromes of the spine, pelvis and inclination of the bad habits acquired sitting, standing, etc.                             

Structural scoliosis is caused by anatomical changes in the spine, joints, ligaments and paravertebral muscles. The main symptoms are structural scoliosis lateral curvature of the spine with rotation of the vertebrae around axis and torsion of the spine (spinal rotation is the rotation around the longitudinal axis, and torsion rotated one part of the vertebra to another).



The first signs that can be noticed are visible primarily in the standing position. In striking unequal height shoulders and hips, breast asymmetry in girls unequally developed muscles around the spine, hump and uneven space between your hands. Lumbar scoliosis monitors and leg slightly bent at the knee with the convex side of that is protruding spine (this is a compensatory form with lumbar scoliosis, such as, for example, thoracic scoliosis compensates for the deviation in the lumbar spine).                                             

To test scoliosis bend test or Adams test is used. From the standing position, the subject leaned forward with his hands hanging freely. If there is a deformity of the spine and is still working on the right scoliosis. In this position hump (gibus) located on the side of the convexity of scoliotical bend is easily noticed. If during the test trunk asymmetry visible in the standing position disappears, then it is a scoliotic posture, not scoliosis.

test Adam












The main diagnostic method is a standard radiography of the spine.


Depending on age, degree of distortion of the spine and the individual characteristics we can apply different methods of treatment. For easier scoliosis we use physiotherapy procedure, for progressed scoliosis we use corrective corsets in combination with physiotherapy, and in the most severe forms (if nothing helps) surgical procedure is performed.

Physiotherapy scoliosis

Physiotherapy research shows that systematic physical exercise can be a positive impact on a wide range of dimensions of psycho-somatic system. It is equally important to use exercise as prevention of bad posture, further progression of the scoliosis, but the basis for the healthy development of the musculoskeletal system as the basis for the creation of good postural habits when sitting, standing and walking. Regardless of which way physiotherapy applied, it must be specifically planned and programmed for everyone.

Physiotherapy program includes:

-  Breathing exercises with posture correction,

- Stretch-vertebral spine to reduce distortion. In the considered exercise with self in different positions: lying down, sitting, kneeling and standing,

- Exercises for stretching shortened muscles,

- Exercises to strengthen muscles and

- Stretching the flexor muscles of the hamstrings thigh.

Basic prerequisites for the successful treatment of scoliosis as early detection, proper diagnosis, organized application of physiotherapy (exercises) and wear orthotics. What is required is an active and close cooperation between patients, parents, doctors and therapists.

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